365 Days of Dan: Day 11

Today is a perfect day in the workshop. We have a new batch of sheep gut that is of outstanding quality and will help us to get caught up in sheep production.

Additionally to that good news, we have completed development on a project we have been working on for about two years. As most Gamut customers know, we offer to tie knots into the ends of strings, which is necessary to hold them onto the tailpiece. Last year we tied thousands of knots, which was pretty tiring on our hands. A couple of years ago, we began to develop another solution for a stopper. The research and development led us to some exciting technology, and finally, Jake developed the perfect model and found the ideal materials to make the stoppers here in the workshop. That will allow us to control the quality and sourcing of the pieces so we will stay supplied. We will be announcing the new ball ends later this month, but I got so excited when Jake showed me the finished product this morning that I just had to share the news immediately. We have a successful design, and once production ramps up, the workshop folk can go home at the end of the day without sore fingers.

Posted on January 12, 2023 .