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Student / Educator Discounts

We have received several messages from students recently asking if there is any way to receive a price break on strings to accommodate the financial straits that usually come with being a student. The answer is, yes, we do have a student discount program; it is just that not many folks know about it. 

Please feel free to pass on this information to any students or educators that you know:

Students, educators, and institutions are eligible for a 15% discount* off our handmade Academie, Tricolore, and Red Diamond strings. No minimum purchases required. (Not applicable with sales or other discounts.)

*Sheep gut strings (except for Tricolore pure gut strings), instruments, accessories, straps, peg turners, guitar roses, rosin, etc., are NOT eligible for discount.

To request an Education Discount (directly, or via your institution's purchasing department):

  • Send a message to: adam@gamutmusic.com requesting to be put on the discount list

  • Along with a photo of your student ID (or a similar method of simple verification), shipping address, contact info, etc.

  • Include your string order, and we will send an invoice for review along with a secure payment link

So the list is kept current, each year we clear out all Student Discounts, but you can send a message and request an additional year of discounts.


Hand-made in the USA by Gamut Music, Inc., a leader in the revival of early music strings and instruments. Gut strings are not intended to be used with fine tuners or string adjusters, and those devices should be removed before installing the gut string on the instrument.

All Gamut Academie strings (pure gut and gut/metal-wound) are made with beef serosa unless they specifically say "Sheep Gut." All pure gut Tricolore violin and viola strings are made with sheep gut; gut/metal-wound Tricolore and all Red Diamond strings are made with beef serosa.

Gamut gut string gauges are approximate (≈) diameter. Meaning, that while a ≈0.60mm string is polished in the workshop to a diameter of 0.60mm, changes in ambient humidity, temperature, shipping, and storage conditions can cause to string to expand or contract slightly.

Gimped gut strings and custom gauged equal tension strings are gauged with the equivalent-gauge (=) system. This means that the gauge listed, such as =1.50mm, indicates that the string is approximately equal in weight to a plain gut string of that diameter. Of course, because the wire is much heavier than gut, the string will be much thinner than a plain gut string.

More information about Gamut gut strings, string types, gauges, and string tensions can be found on our FAQ/Articles page. Not finding an answer to your question? Please contact us directly: support@gamutmusic.com.